Thursday, October 23, 2014

Types of Fish

There are many different types of fish that live in the rivers and creeks in Pennsylvania. Minnows, Suckers, Catfish, Trout, and Bass are the most common. There are various species of each type. All of these fish have common diets. Their diet is made up of terrestrial (land) animals, aquatic wildlife, flies, and aquatic macro invertebrates. The aquatic macro invertebrates are their main source of food. Invertebrates, which means animals without backbones, consist of insects, crustaceans, mollusks, snails, and worms. With the presence of these invertebrates, it means there is an abundance of food and the water is clean and healthy for the fish to live in. Trout tend to be found more in cold fast moving water, where Bass, Catfish, and Suckers are found in more of a still, stagnant water.
Flathead Catfish
Brook Trout
Flathead Minnow
Largemouth Bass
Sucker Fish

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