Tuesday, October 28, 2014


There are many different species of turtles that live in Pennsylvania. The three types that are mostly seen are the snapping, box, and painted turtles. Snapping turtles are a large amphibious species, meaning they can either live in water or on land. Snapping turtles are known by their large spiked shells, long tails, and their nasty bite. Snappers have huge hooked bottom jaws, that are known to take off fingers very easily. They eat both vegetation and are active hunters. They eat any type of animals that they can fit in their mouth such as fish, frogs, small birds, or even small mammals. Box and painted turtles on the other hand are much less aggressive than the snapping turtles. Painted turtles also live in the water, but are mainly seen basking in the sun throughout the day. They are easily noticeable because of their bright red and yellow colors. Their diet also consists of vegetation and other small amphibious creatures that they can catch. Box turtles are the only one of the three that does not live in the water. Box turtles live in fields and other wooded areas. They are similar in size to the painted turtle. Instead of eating fish and other animals that live in the water, the box turtle mainly eats worms, grasshoppers, and other small insects along with vegetation.
Snapping Turtle
Painted Turtle
Box Turtle

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